donderdag 31 juli 2008

Got internet connection

When I got back from work today the "ADSL" led on my modem was burning with a bright green color. Meaning the phone company switched my subscription from my old address to the new one. And even faster than they said they would (they told me I could use the internet again from the 4th of August).

Seems the connection here in Kutchan is also better than in Asahikawa. My upload speed has tripled. ^^ Haven't really had a chance yet to test download speed, but I guess that will be ok also.

Tomorrow I'm driving back to Asahikawa after work. It will be the last night I spend in Clione (that's the name of the マンション where Kazumi and I live in Asahikawa). The movers are coming on Saturday to take our things to Kutchan. Kazumi and I will then go to visit her mother in Sapporo. And after that we will go to Kutchan.

There's a festival in Kucthan on the 1st and 2nd of August. I hope we'll be able to go see the fireworks on Saturday evening.

2 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Veel succes met de verhuis en als ge naar dat feest (vuurwerk) kunt gaan,stuur dan wat foto's door daarvan.

Kris Gaethofs zei

We hebben het vuurwerk gezien, maar ik heb geen foto's. Nu is het bijna half zes zondag avond en Kazumi en ik gaan sebiet uit eten. We hebben nog niet alles uitgepakt, maar het is genoeg geweest voor vandaag.