zaterdag 12 juli 2008

Job interview

Today I had an interview with the president of West Canada Homes. It's a Niseko based company and I hope I can work for them in the near future. The initial interview went fine I think. Next Thursday I'll be visiting the company so I can meet some of the people working there and have a general tour of the company.

They are looking for a Junior Project Manager. That basically means someone to assist the Project Manager with different duties. I really would like to take on this challenge with both hands and work hard for my future.

Of course working for a company in Niseko would mean that I have to move out of Asahikawa. And Kazumi would have to quit her current job. Well, we're not that far yet. Let's first wait and see how things evolve.

2 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

We zullen allemaal heel hard duimen, mama en papa.

stef zei

Heel veel succes met het zoeken naar een nieuwe job.

wanneer weet je meer?

